Wednesday, September 10, 2008

There are no words. Not yet.

I sat down tonight to write about Africa... but I can't do it. Not yet. In my mind I'm still processing the trip, even after a week of being back. The thoughts. The memories. The emotions.

Mostly, the emotions. To put it lightly, everyone came back a changed person--emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I wish I could find the right words to allow you to feel the things we're feeling, the experiences we had, the kindness we felt.

Sadly, I don't think there will ever be enough words.

In time, I'll write about my experience, what I did, where I went, what I saw. Just not tonight.
I don't think I'll ever be able to accurately capture how I felt or how I feel now.

Instead, I'll be alone with my thoughts tonight, and fall asleep to the beauty that is South Africa.

I really, truly miss it.


Ann DeMarle said...

So true. So much to internalize and then let bloom. At night I dream of the children. Still.
You searching for the words, speaks volumes.

Raymond McCarthy Bergeron said...

Yeah... I felt like a week was a long time for me to post anything. I even wanted to post the first day we were there, but I was at a loss of what to say.

It's good to hear that it bothers you this much because it shows that you care. :o)