Friday, July 25, 2008

Catch the Wave

I went to the first meeting for the United Nations Project today and it completely opened my eyes to all of this.

Blew me away.

It was incredible to read about the scope and potential of this project, and to listen to those in charge of it talk about it. It was obvious that each adviser was equally as passionate about this project, and each one brings a different but equally beneficial area of expertise.

What also struck me was the incredible student minds that surrounded me. As we went through introductions and continued into our first, in depth discussion about the project, I could see why each student was selected for this project. Everyone had a great background of experience and a passion for learning, and it was an incredible experience to listen to these students discuss and ask questions about the project. As marketers, my team and I asked questions about target markets and publicity, as well as research methods. Others asked questions about design and concepts, and the overall message that we want to bring to the consumer. There were things brought up that I would never have thought about or even knew about. But, each person around the table today did the same thing-listened. We listened to each other, absorbed information. We acknowledged really good questions and were open to ideas, and it seemed like each new point or question brought about 3 more. In those few hours that we met, you could feel the energy brewing in the room and the ideas beginning to take root in this project.

Overall, I think the one thing that brings us together is passion. We're passionate for what we do, and the work that we put fourth. And, we're passionate for this cause.

And, I think when you take extremely driven students who have an equal passion for the cause, you have a deadly force that is not afraid of obstacles and is ready to make waves through the community, through the nation, and across the globe.

Tonight, I heard a quote that made me think about this project in a new way:
"He who saves one life saves the world entire"
While we may not directly save lives through this project, we have the power to potentially influence future behavior. If that leads to even one less battered woman, one less innocent life saved, one less act of violence- we've saved the world. It was quite a humbling revelation.

I cannot wait to share with you the wealth of information I gain from this project, but also the large amount of personal growth.

In short, this is going to be big. Get ready for one heck of a journey... and grab your surfboard...Champlain College is making waves.

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