Saturday, June 28, 2008

The glass was half full...until I drank it.

It's funny, this was supposed to be the best summer of my life. Or at least I had hoped it would be. I figured hey, change of pace, change of scenery, friends living around me...this summer will be great. Don't get me wrong, it started that way. It gave me hope. Now it's almost July and I have nothing to show for it except logged internship hours and a few measly hours at Blockbuster. Oh yeah, and a handful of movies I've watched. My summer could be broken down into a movie listing. That's about it.

The change of pace? Yeah, unpaid internship hours and everchanging hours at Blockbuster.

The change of scenery? The view out the window is nice. Other than that, it's all I've seen of the city basically.

The friends? With the exception of Cyrilla( and Amanda of course), I haven't seen them. Their summer plans don't include me, obv. Funny, I remember reaching out and making plans with them earlier in the summer...

And, to top it all off, it's my dad's birthday this weekend. He's off gallivanting around lake Bomoseen with his girlfriend and my brother. I wasn't invited. It's weird, I can't remember the last birthday I didn't spend with him.

Doesn't matter anyways, I don't have the money to pay my bills and pay for the gas to get there and back.


Well, this has been a happy post. Sorry to be a downer. Hope you're all enjoying your summer.

I'll update with a happier some point. Just not tonight.

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