Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Days Tick By.

The paint is fixed. I couldn't take the vibrating effect anymore, so I went out and purchased a different, lighter color to paint over the green. It's definitely much better now and I'm happy with it. Now, I can start moving in, finally!

In other news, the internship search is failing miserably. I've applied to PMG Creative, Green Mountain Coffee, and Magic Hat, and I just sent off two resumes to KSV and Spike Advertising. PMG sent me an e-mail a few days ago informing me that they had found someone better suited for the position ( talk about a kick in the pants.) but e-mailed my roommate and set up and interview with her for tomorrow. Then, after calling around Green Mountain one woman finally called me back only to tell me all the positions were full. I was quite disheartened, as this was the internship I was banking on for the summer- it was a full time, paid internship. I'm still waiting to hear back from Magic Hat, and I'll hopefully hear back from KSV and Spike within the next few days. I'm down to the wire, the class starts next week. If I don't find one, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Part of me wants to continue to stay in the class with the hopes that I'll find one. But, I need to have 2 classes to continue to qualify for financial aid, and I can't risk pulling out of the internship class too late and not being able to get into another class.

And, I can't commit to a job until I have an internship so I can set hours.

For someone who always strives for success, this perpetual rejection hurts. I take it personally, even when I know I shouldn't. It's just part of the work force. I guess I just need to stay positive and hope that this week brings some good news.

In other news, over the past year I've been fighting with the insurance company and the hospital to cover charges for some testing I had done last summer. I had set up a payment plan, and then my dad paid a bill that I thought was the remaining balance of the one I was slowly paying off. But, after receiving a letter today that I was going to be put into collections, I called the hospital to find out what the status was. Apparently, the insurance company never received claim forms for the doctor visits, and therefore sent a bill to my dad for that. But, I guess there is a different billing system for the testing area, and that was the bill I was paying off. When I stopped paying it, assuming that my dad had covered it, they threatened to put it into collections. Luckily, I got everything straightened out today, and will still be able to submit the claim forms for the doctors visits and even get my dad's money refunded, which always helps relieve some stress when I can give him BACK some money. =D So, I'll continue paying the bill and get that paid off, and hopefully will get this ordeal taken care of once and for all. It's all about relieving some of the stress, little by little.

On a happier note, I found out that I can get loan money for a mac laptop, something I definitely need ( and want, of course) especially with being an RA next year. This past year even though it was inconvenient, I could always run to the lab and stay there until the wee hours of the morning to get projects done. As an RA next year, I know I won't have that freedom, and I was truly stressing out as to how I was going to be able to get my graphic design work done. But, if I can get everything to go through smoothly, I'll be able to pay for my classes this summer, purchase a mac computer, and still be able to take out enough loans to pay off next year's bill. Luckily RAs get housing for free, so that saves me some money, too. :)Now it's time for bed to rest up for conquering financial aid tomorrow to chisel away at this stress.

I'm bound and determined to take care of everything I need to so that I can truly enjoy my summer here in Burlington and make staying here all worth it.

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