Monday, December 20, 2010

Reverb 10

Awaken the blog back from the dead. The social media ninja is brushing off her tools.
The blog's been collecting dust lately.

If you haven't heard, there's this awesome website called Reverb 10 Basically, it helps you examine the previous year and reflect upon it with one thought provoking prompt every day through December. As it's December 20, I'm a little behind. Nonetheless, I looked over the prompts and they really got me thinking about the past year and I figured I'd give it a try. If nothing less, I could look back at my answers in a year (probably when I blog again haha) and see if I made any changes or if I was able to accomplish any of the goals I wanted to in 2011.

Mind you, the posts will be slightly scattered as I meander through the holidays. Regardless, I WILL have all of them answered and posted--at some point in time.

Well, here we go...

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