Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 2 – Writing

What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it?

Writing is and always has been a hobby of mine, although I realized the other day that I haven’t written in quite some time. I really should be writing every day, just to practice my skills, write down my observations and thoughts.

Overall, it helps me think and process my life. I find it’s easier for me to communicate through writing than through verbal. So why don’t I write every day?

Well, there really should be no excuse (although there are some, of course. ) I think the biggest reason is I save writing until the very end of the day; I need a quiet, comfortable space to write and my bed just before I fall asleep is the prime place. But, by the time I arrive at my destination, I don’t WANT to make my brain function anymore. I just want to veg out and sleep.

Even when I do have good intentions to write, the minute I fire up the computer my ADHD rages. I Facebook. I tweet. I Stumble. I add to half written To-Do lists, I browse through Netflix suggestions, check e-mail, and listen to music. I do everything BUT write.

I need to unplug. Even if I could make a resolution to shut out everything in internetland for 10, maybe 15 minutes and just write, I can only imagine what I could conjure up.

This year, I will force myself to write more. I make a promise to write more, on or offline, even if it is simple observations from the day. I have to remind myself that every piece of writing doesn’t have to be perfect or a masterpiece or incredibly complex; They could be fragmented thoughts, broken sentences, even just words—as long as I simply write SOMETHING each day.

Unplug the computer and boot up the brain and write, write, write.

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