Friday, April 30, 2010


I've thought about this day for many years, but couldn't really fathom what it would actually be like....I'm done with college.

Furthermore, I'm done with SCHOOL. Holy moly. Part of me says, "do you actually know how to DO anything other than school? It's what you've been doing for the past, I don't know, 18 years or so?"

But then, my little adult voice scolds, "why yes, of course I do. Im earning two degrees, have a brain full of knowledge and 4 years at a wonderful college that prepared me for the real world."

Watch out world, here I come!

It was actually a really great way to end my college career. My last final was for my Marketing Management class, probably one of the harder classes I've taken at Champlain. At the beginning of the semester, we had 4 clients. Right off the bat, we wrote proposals as to which clients we wanted to work with, and then we were off to the races! The rules were simple: Here's your client. Figure out what they need...and do it. Present your work at the end of the semester. The end.

A pretty daunting task, but a realistic one. This is what it would be like on the other side of the higher education fence. Here's a client. do your stuff. repeat.

All semester, a group of students and I worked with Governor's Institute of Vermont to increase their enrollment in their summer institutes. We created the "GIV It A Try!" campaign, a youthful, fun and fresh campaign targeted at high school teens. The campaign is simple--it encourages students to do just that--give it a try! It's not only about giving the institutes a try, but also trying new things, trying out your passion to see if it's what you want to study, and trying out the college life. Lots of trying going on there. Overall, I think it was a thoughtful, focused campaign and I can't wait to see the results of our hard work!

On top of that, Elaine announced the Social Media Ninjas for the semester. These students were the ones that consistently demonstrated their understanding of social media and executed their skills throughout the semester on their personal branding project. Well, the Social Media Ninjas are:

Corey Grenier and I! (In case you're wondering, I'm doing the improvised "hashtag" sign haha)

The Social Media Ninjas with their S.M. Sensei, Elaine

Watch out, world, here we come!

We were both really excited and it just topped off an amazing final, as we had just finished presenting our semester long work for GIV. (There we are repping the shirts we had made for the GIV It A Try campaign)

For our projects, we both worked on helping other people, but in two different ways. Corey runs a powerhouse blog that strives to empower women and educate the world on equality. She rocks posts about strong women, women in the media and companies that are doing it right...and companies that are doing it wrong and how to change it. She adopted the name Rosie the Marketer for her blog and has become so well known for her blog around campus that people have started referring to her as Rosie! She does an awesome job and I'm confident she'll use her social media ninja skills to do great things!

As for me, I worked over the semester on a blog I created called Hire This Grad. Using a Twitter hashtag that was created last year by our Professor, Elaine Young, I created this idea for a blog and a Twitter that featured upcoming graduating seniors. The idea behind the blog is simple--it tells you who these students are, why they rock, and why you should hire them. It's been a great success (you can read more about the success and metrics of the blog in one of the more recent posts) and I can't wait to see where it goes. So, be sure to check it out!

Now, all that's left are fun senior week activities such as bowling, a catered dinner, boat cruise, etc... and then...gasp....graduation! Im sure it'll be a surreal but extremely rewarding experience.

I'm so full of energy and excitement and relief, all I want to do is a happy dance!

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