Monday, July 21, 2008

Straight outta the gates

I can already tell it's going the week's going to be hectic straight out of the gates, but it's well worth it!

Officially back in Burlington (well, been back for a little under 12 hours) after a couple days back home. Worked for my dad, got caught up on some homework, and had some family time. I left this afternoon and arrived back here in Burlington, took a quick nap, then headed off to work a closing shift at Blockbuster until about 12:15am. When I got back, headed to the store with Amanda and Melinda, then came back and got stuff ready for tomorrow.

I don't know if I'm allowed to share all the details yet, so I'll refrain until I hear more, but everything's happening so fast! I feel like an incredible opportunity has just fallen into my lap, and I couldn't be more excited. =D But theres a lot to do to get ready... starting tomorrow by heading to the post office to take care of passport stuff. I'm getting everything done there, already finished the application and have my birth certificate and drivers license ready. Having it expedited to be here as quick as possible, don't want to have to worry about it as things get closer.

Also have to arrange things with Res Life. I'll be missing some RA training, so I have to figure out if everything will work out and I can do both. If not, then I'm sacrificing being an RA! Not giving this up! But, I'm really hoping I can work everything out...I talked briefly with Jamie tonight, and he said if I'm only missing and few days and back for move in weekend then things might be able to work out. I'm going to wait till I have details then head into res life to sit down with him, Laura Scott, Ashley Mikell, and anyone else to see if I can work out an alternative plan with them. *crosses fingers*

other than that, just finishing up my internship hours this week, have about 16.5 left to do, which will be 5 tomorrow, 8 Tuesday (13) and then 3.5 another day, whichever one they want me to come in on. Then I'm totally done! Also going to work on finishing all the assignments left for the class, as well as working on this week's assignment for my other online class.

I'm a busy busy girl, but I know everything will be worth it. =D

1 comment:

Amanda Jones said...

Passports 6 days later. Can't beat that without a stick.
