Friday, July 18, 2008

Insomniac totals

Tuesday:awake for almost 20 hours.
Tuesday night: sleep for 6.5 hours.
Wednesday: Awake for 18 hours.
Wednesday night: slept 4.5 hours.
Thursday: 16.5 hours and counting..I'm so exhausted I'm awake? I'm banking on atleast 2:30am before I sleep. So, let's say 18 hours to round out this total.
67 hours and I've slept for 11 of them. 16%. I should have been sleeping for atleast 22 of those 32%.

What the hell is wrong with me?

This is only going to lead to disastrous concequences...aka me getting sick, probably. Luckily, tomorrow I get to sleep in, so hopefully this will cure everything...hopefully.

I'm signing off, closing down, shutting off...and if tonight is anything like last night, I'm driving to Walmart at 4am, buying sleeping pills and sleeping straight through till Saturday morning, damn it.*

*the author understands the hazards and potential dangers of sleeping pills and should said event occur will only take the dosage recommended on the package. Author will also not take with alcohol or operate heavy machinery. Hopefully, if it works right, she'll be sleeping and won't be able to operate heavy machinery anyways. DUR.

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