Sunday, May 4, 2008


I am exhausted, sore, disheveled, injured, and covered in green and orange paint-- but I have officially moved into 508.

I don't know if I mentioned it in my last post, but Amanda and I are staying here for the summer, so we needed to move into the apartment we are living in for the fall. And, since we're both RAs, we're moving to 508 as all the RAs live in the '08 apartments.

It's been an exhausting process, even if it was just one apartment over. I never realized just how much stuff we have! We've been so anxious to move all week, and yesterday we met Rodney in the hall who offered to unlock our apartment for us so we could start moving. Excellent! But, before we moved, we wanted to get some painting done. We started with Amanda's room, as she had a clear idea of the color she wanted for her wall. With a pillowcase to match the color, we set off in search of orange paint. A little while later we returned with a gallon of Sunburst Orange. It sure was a ballsy move, I don't know if I could have committed to that color! But, once we got it painted, it looks great, I'm happy with it and I don't even live in there.

We finished the second coat and then began to make trip after trip, back and forth from one apartment to another until around 4am. It was later than we intended, but we had gotten into a good groove and wanted to keep going so we could be completely moved out at a decent time today.

I ended up going to bed around 4:30 and then woke up this morning around 10:30ish to begin round two of moving day. After a few hours of making trips back and fourth, running around the building to look for a dolly, moving a tabletop, piano, and mini fridge without a dolly (obviously we were unsuccessful at finding one), and cleaning from top to bottom of 509, we can now officially call 508 home.

Unfortunately, it doesn't feel like home yet. Our stuff is scattered all over the apartment, including the living room, kitchen, and the two extra bedrooms we have until the end of August. but it's mainly because of the decorating in progress. I'm even sleeping in one of the extra rooms at this current moment because my room is under construction. I wanted to paint my room yesterday, but I was really unsure of a color and I wanted to be sure before I painted. I picked up some paint swatches in different colors so I could look at them within the room. I even installed my curtain rod and curtains yesterday, and today I laid out my comforter on my mattress so I could compare the swatches to everything.

And now, after a few hours of painting, my walls are a nice shade of Shamrock Green. I love them, especially with my blue curtains and dark pink comforter. Now, I can't wait to just start moving things into my room tomorrow.

Wow, I truly am exhausted. I can't keep my thoughts straight and I need to keep deleting sentences and words that don't make sense haha.

So, I've spent the weekend painting orange and green walls, moving furniture around, getting a nice gash on my foot from a bed frame, and transferring an entire apartment into another.

I had more to say, but quite frankly, I can't even remember what it was. My brain has shut down for the night, and I think I'm going to follow it's lead. I'll elaborate more tomorrow when I can stay awake longer. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

<3 orange =D